Adam Tuft

PhD Student, Dept. of Computer Science, Durham University


PhD Student

Scientific Computing Group

Dept. of Computer Science

Durham University

Welcome to my site!

I’m a PhD student in the Scientific Computing Group at Durham University, UK. I’m interested in developing tools for modelling and understanding the performance of task-based parallel programs. My research forms part of the “Exposing parallelism: Task Parallelism” project within the UK’s ExCALIBUR research programme.

Previously, I completed my M.Sc. in Scientific Computing and Data Analysis at Durham University. For my thesis project I developed an OMPT plugin for tracing & visualising the structure of OpenMP programs.

Alongside my research, I’m involved in a few other activities:

On my blog, I share articles/opinions/how-tos that I think somebody might find interesting, but which don’t belong in a thesis or paper.

Check out my projects page where I showcase one or two projects I’m particularly proud of!

In my spare time I love reading, going hiking, and playing boardgames.

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May 15, 2024 introductions