
Welcome to my personal blog!

I’m Adam, a Computer Science PhD student in the Scientific Computing Group at Durham University.

What’s this blog for?

This blog is my repository of all the miscellaneous thoughts, experiences and ideas that naturally accumulate in the course of a PhD, but which don’t belong in a thesis/paper/poster/talk. I have plans to write about a range of topics, including (in no particular order):

  • Personal Projects
  • Software Development
  • Computer Science
  • Programming How-To’s
  • HPC
  • PhD Life

Who’s this blog for?

Myself, mostly - it’s mainly somewhere to record any ideas which I think are worth writing down and don’t really belong anywhere else. I also wanted somewhere I could practice writing and publishing (kind of an important skill for a PhD student) outside of academic writing for a paper or thesis.

That said, if you’re interested in the topics above then I hope this blog will catch your attention!

Thanks for reading, I hope you’ll come back soon!
